Monday 21 July 2014

Location, Location, Location...

Since finishing the BitterSuite Kickstarter, The DOG BUTTON HQ has been a hive of activity - from new rehearsals, to new versions of the script, it's all been very exciting here!

This weekend Jan and I set out at 2am with our awesome DoP, Tom Doran, and looked at some of the night locations in the current draft of the script - we wanted to see how much light was present, how that would be captured using an approximation of the camera settings we expect to be using, how many people were around at that time of night... we generally had a bit of a nosey around.

(no post processing on these snaps by the way... all this light is stuff that's already there in the location!)

We're pretty happy with the results too - the locations we put on our list to checkout had a very wide range of moods and lighting conditions, so we're pretty confident that we're going to be able to get what we need out of them!

Looking at these locations also sparked some great suggestions from Tom about what light rigs he's going to want to use, how that would affect production, etc.

It's all go from here!


Tuesday 15 July 2014

The BitterSuite Kickstarter has ended

So. We did it. 

We’re making BitterSuite.

One-hundred and ninety-one people have made this possible – and raised an astonishing £11,448. We’re humbled by your generosity, your belief in us, and the love BitterSuite has received. We’re going to do everything we can to make the film live up to the love that has gone into funding it.

There’s nothing more to say other than ‘Thank-You’ – from now on we’ve gotta speak through our actions…

…which means actually making BitterSuite.  Something we’re scheduled to start doing on the 12th August - eek.

As of next week we’re going to give blog posting privileges to every single member of the cast & crew, so hopefully you’ll get an fully rounded view of the production as it unfolds – it should be an interesting, and pretty candid, look into the DOG BUTTON process.

(Oh, and if you haven’t already please ‘like’ us on Facebook, and‘follow’ us on Twitter! There’s always stuff going on…)

In other reward based news we’re going to be filming the ‘Toast Your Generosity’ video at 2am on Thursday morning, so look out for that on Thursday evening – we have 101 people to toast, so we’re going to do a shot of beer for every one of them. It ain’t gonna be pretty, but hopefully you’ll see the love in it! 

Also, we still have 63 Vines to make, so we’ll be making those over the next week – keep your eyes out for them on the DOG BUTTON Vine profile page

With that, we’ll sign off – running a Kickstarter has been one of the most rewarding things we have ever done, every single pledge has made our tiny hearts skip a beat, and every day has been full of tiny struggles and victories. 

Thank you all for making it worthwhile, and making BitterSuite happen. 

Sam & Jan 

Ps. Breaking from the lovey-dovey nature of the post though, we’ve gotta be honest – it was also absolutely exhausting running this campaign. We got this photo snapped just as we hit the end of the Kickstarter – as you can see we're full of beans.